Dear Life...How it all started...

Sometimes you just have to laugh at the heaping serving of whatever life just handed you.  My "Dear Life" Facebook posts were my attempts to do just that.  However, it grew beyond FB.

Therefore..."Dear Life" the blog.  But, I didn't want to lose my roots so I brought some of them over from Facebook to here.  Please add your own! 

Dear Harbin Precipitation,
You must decide what you want to be, either rain, snow, or sleet. You can't be all three. While you are deciding, I'm going to go have a talk with your nasty friend, Wind.

Dear Life,
I have checked the brake fluid and brake lights. Everything is working properly. Please do not be afraid to slow down. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


Dear Breakfast,

I love you, however I don't get to see you often. Perhaps you could negotiate with Lunch for its time slot?

Dear Double Fudge Brownie Ice Cream,

I saw you on the shelf in the store last night. You sat there all alone with a clearance sticker. I saw your pain and heartache at being discontinued. I bought you so I could love you. Your last days will not be spent alone.



Dear car,
Could we perhaps make a windshield wiper speed that is somewhere between medium speed and blades are about to fly off the windshield speed. That'd be great.

Dear Monday,

Perhaps I have been too hard on you. Maybe I only hate you so much because you follow my favorite day of the week and the differences between you two are glaring and blatant. Let's call a truce: I'll say nice things about you if you treat me nicely. Deal? 


Dear Winter,

Fall is doing a really good job of imitating you...just saying... 


Dear America,

When I proudly don my Christmas vest with kitties wearing Santa hats, should I let my students believe that all Americans wear Christmas cat vests too? This is a difficult question... 


Dear Rice Cooker,

Please forgive me for not trusting you while I lived in the U.S. I now know that you cook rice, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, soybeans, dumplings, apple sauce, etc. Maybe it was your name that was misleading... 


Dear Coffee,

When you are with me, the world is a beautiful place. When you are near, I have no fear. When you are gone...well, let's just not think about that.

Yours forever,


Dear Friends and Family,

If you thought giving me a knife wasn't a good idea, what made you think a potato peeler was a good idea!?


Mashed potatoes require too high of a cost

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