Monday, April 2, 2012

Reading in Progress

I love traveling because I enjoy being stuck in my seat with the complete inability to be distracted by various tasks and to-do lists. For a multi-tasker like me, inability to complete tasks often results in reading euphoria.  For this current trip, I'm logging 15 hours of train time (aka 15 hrs. to finish some of the books I'm currently reading). 

This leads to my confession...I'm a book polygamist.  I usually have anywhere between 3-15 books in progress at a time.  I'm not kidding.  Free book reading, provided by ebookfling, has led to my wandering ways.

On the way to Beidaihe I completed the following:
  • The Golden Compass
  • A Voice in the Wind (Almost missed my stop while engrossed with this book)
Books I'm currently reading:
  • Harry Potter - the Philosopher's Stone
  • Surprised by Hope
  • Generous Justice
  • Heaven's Wager
  • Pilgrim's Progress
  • Absolute Surrender
  • Pictures of the Mind
 Book's I've only taken out on one date (aka read only one chapter):
  • Individualism and Collectivism
  • The Robe
  • The Purpose Driven Life (ironic, I know)
Books in the queue to be started:
  • Perelandra
  • The Hunger Games
  • Anne of Green Gables
  • The rest of the Harry Potter Series 

Are there others like me out there? Should I seek help for this?


  1. There is at least one more of "us" -- so many books, so little time! Thanks for sharing more titles!! Amy

  2. You have to finish the rest of the Mark of the Lion series...and really everything by Francine Rivers. And Harry Potter...and Anne of Green Gables...and if you're not careful I'll start giving you my 'to read' list, too, and stealing from yours. :)

  3. I'm always open to adding books to the suggest away! The 2nd in the Mark of the Lion should be coming to me soon...can't wait!

  4. Dear Lizzie!
    I never have less then 3 books started either! The problem I have when traveling is not wanting to take 6 books with me, but I have so much trouble choosing ahead of time which one(s) I will want to read!

    Definitely start reading Prelandra ... I love C.S. Lewis' space trilogy!

    1. I finished Harry Potter and Heaven's Wager and moved Perelandra up into the #1 spot. Woke up wanting to read it!
