The other day, my dear friend Melodie reminded me about how I didn't like visiting my Chicago friends between the months of January and March. For those of you who have lived in Chicago, you know why. IT'S COLD!! It's not just the's the nasty, horrible wind. With that, I found this old blogpost I wrote about Chicago and in view of my present situation (Harbin and Siberian winds) it just made me laugh.
Chicago and I are in a relationship...a marriage of sorts, and I
want a divorce but it is trying to woo me back. I hate Chicago and I
love Chicago. It was an arranged marriage. I went into it thinking
that perhaps we could make it work. It tried to win my love with
cultural events, great food, wonderful music, and farmer's markets. But
then it turned nasty. It grew cold and withdrew. It punished and
turned ugly. It made me think of my first love, and in my eye I only
saw the beauty and greatness of my first love. I eventually left and that lasted for a year and a half. I came back though. I
realized that no matter how bad it treated me, we were in a
relationship. It wooed me all over again, but then it turned harsh and
cold. I finally gave it an ultimatum. I'm leaving in May. I might
visit every now and then but I'm leaving in May. It has had a change of
heart this past week. Chicago has shown me how beautiful it can be
when it wants to be. But this time...I know how ugly it can be. I know
and I'm not coming back no matter how hard it tries to win my love.
From Chicago to Harbin...I literally jumped from the frying pan into the fire...or should I say the refrigerator to the freezer.
*I do stand by my belief that Chicago winds are the meanest...Harbin may be colder but Chicago is just mean.
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